< Back to Article Listc. Venue
Last updated: 11 February 2025 at 13:44:09 UTC by Claire Pizzey
Section 134, Local Government Act 1972, and paragraph 10, Schedule 12, to that Act both deal with venues for council meetings. The main points are:-
Meetings may be held within or outside the parish area.
Meetings cannot be held in premises which are used as a dwelling-house.
Meetings cannot be held in premises which (at the time of the meeting) are licensed for the supply of alcohol, unless no other room is available free or at a reasonable cost.
If a council doesn't own suitable premises, it may use premises maintained by the LEA, or any room maintainable out of any rate, free of charge, subject to giving reasonable notice and the premises being available. Meetings must not interfere with the hours in which premises are used for educational purposes, the administration of justice, or by the Police. The council must make good the cost of any damages done or expenditure (e.g. heating, caretaker’s wages) incurred by the person in control of the room.