SALC representative roles

As a membership body, the professional team work hard to ensure that there is balanced representation from across Suffolk on the SALC Board.      Further details about eligibility to serve as chair and term of office can be found in the SALC Constitution. 

Members of the SALC Board are appointed through SALC area forums during the autumn.   There are also two additional places on the Board as a result of nominations made to the AGM.  These can be from anywhere in the county making in total potentially, 16 members of the Board.  

Being a member of the SALC Board involves joining a minimum of four meetings a year, one of which includes a strategic awayday in person. 

Being a Chair or Vice Chair of an area forum involves helping to design and run the online SALC area meeting supported by a member of the team (usually the Chief Executive Officer).  It works well when the Chair and Vice Chair work in partnership and support each other to make sure the forum are a success.   Attendance at area forums can sometimes be impacted by clashes with local council meetings or other demands on personal time and in practice around 20% of members in the district attend. 

Being the Chair of the SALC Board involves chairing all of the Board meetings and any other additional meetings  plus supporting their local area forum.  The Chair of the Board also offers support and assistance to the Chief Executive Officer and meets with them on a regular basis to discuss operational and personal matters including training and development, challenges and opportunities as part of SALC management framework.

Being Vice Chair of the SALC Board involves deputising for the Chair when necessary.  

Being the SALC representative for your council involves being appointed by your council (usually at the Annual Meeting of the Parish or Town Council) and attending your local Area Forum, feeding back information and updates to your council.  This is an important role as it aids communication and transmission of information but the Area Forum is a networking event for all councils so we would encourage other members to attend not just the designated representative.

Being a representative on NALC's National Assembly involves an annual appointment of a member of the SALC Board.  Full details of how the National Association of Local Councils work is published on their website available by using this link.   There is also a detailed explanation of roles within the organisation which is available using this link

Being a SALC representative on East Suffolk's Community Partnership Board involves attending Board meetings on our behalf and reporting updates to the Chief Executive Officer and area forums in the East.  This role is appointed annually by the SALC Board at their autumn meeting.

Being a SALC representative on the Sizewell Stakeholder Group involves providing an update to area forums in the East.  This role is appointed annually by the East Suffolk joint forum at their autumn meeting.

SZC Annual Community Forum the SALC Chief Executive Officer attends in order to ensure feedback is cascaded to parishes affected.  The purpose of the forum is to provide communities with an update on the construction of Sizewell C and the associated developments.  

SALC as a member of the Collaborative Communities Board (CCB) the SALC Chief Executive Officer attends some of the meetings of the CCB.