Document reference:  ALC9a v.5 (reviewed annually)
Ownership: SALC CEO
Last revised: 21st August 2024
Date of next review: January 2025

Privacy and Cookies


This notice is a public document available to anyone and the majority applies to Member Councils of the Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) and members of the public using our website or signing up to any of our public newsletters. It explains how SALC collects and processes personal information in order to conduct normal business activities. SALC is a membership based not for profit organisation supporting the first tier of local government. 

Who are we

SALC is a data controller whose office is Units 1 and 2, Hill View Business park, Claydon, Ipswich, IP6 0AJ. Our main office telephone number is : 01473 833713 and our business email address is We have a website : SALC is made up of member local councils and parish meetings in the administrative County of Suffolk. We have a written Constitution and a SALC Board who oversee our strategic direction. Our vision is to provide specialist services that enable local councils to excel in the performance of their duties. 

How we collect information

SALC collects information from you from a variety of sources, including when you join our association, complete an online form, complete a survey or when you call, write or email to us. We may also collect information when you use our social media site or website. We use cookies on our website to collect limited personal information. These cookies are used to assist in the delivery of services to you and for some technical reasons such as mapping coordinates. You can use your browser software to restrict or to refuse to accept these, or at a later point in time, to remove them. We do not pass on information gathered from these cookies to any third party without your express consent. Cookies will not be used where the data can be obtained anonymously.

What's a Cookie?  A cookie is small file placed on a user's computer by a Website, which logs information about the user and their previous/current visits for the use of the site next time the user makes contact. More information about cookies can be found in Guidance to the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 which can be accessed by going to the Information Commissioner's website and following the relevant link. 

What are Traffic Logs?  We use traffic logs to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our Website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes.

Links  Our website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices within any of these other sites. We encourage you to be aware of this when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements on other websites you visit which collect personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected on our website. We may also take photographs at our events to use for general marketing purposes and publicity. However, photographs of individuals will only be used for those purposes with your consent. We may receive information about you from third parties including: PKF Littlejohn LLP, HMRC, Legal Advisors, and other local authorities, for example.

What information we collect about you

The information we require from you includes: Contact details – e.g. Clerk, Chairman – name, address, email, telephone numbers.  If you are not a member of SALC, when signing up to the Local Councillor e-magazine, you are consenting to us storing your email address and sending you the publication on a quarterly basis.

What processing we do with information collected

The information we require from you is used to manage your membership. The processing activities include:

• Handling and documenting enquiries.

• Commissioning third parties for supplementary advice – (e.g.: NALC Legal).

• Managing your subscription charges and payments.

• Complying with relevant legislation and regulation.

• Communication through the delivery of regular news bulletins.

SALC regularly conduct surveys relating to the services on offer in order to gauge satisfaction and make improvements based on feedback. SALC uses a range of information and communication systems, applications and technologies to assist with the efficient operation of the business. Personal information is stored and managed within those systems which are maintained following best practice cyber security standards. SALC holds information in their IT system which may be copied for testing, backup, archiving and disaster recovery purposes. All data is held within the UK.

Additional services

SALC offers additional services to members such as training, payroll and audit services. In respect of these additional services, where your personal information is needed, we will explain in more detail the nature of the service and seek your consent to proceed. For these additional services, much of the information contained in this Privacy Notice is still relevant such as details about SALC as a Data Controller and your rights under the legislation, including the right to withdraw your consent and the right to complain. 

Children's information

SALC does not normally process children's information.

How we communicate with you

SALC needs to communicate with members and this is normally in writing or by telephone but is now more commonly becoming electronic. Our regular e-bulletins and digital newsletters provide essential information, guidance and updates in relation to public sector as well as details of training and development and publications available. This is an important part of our membership offering but you may opt-out of receiving this by contacting


Who we share data with and how long do we keep information

SALC shares a limited amount of personal data with our contractors who are carrying out services on our behalf. Our contractors are required to comply with the law and we are reviewing data processing arrangements with them to ensure the data is managed appropriately and for specified purposes. SALC may need to share personal information with government departments and agencies, with the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) our auditors and our trainers.  Details of our file and records management policy and procedures are available on request from

What we will not do

We will not send unsolicited marketing materials or sell your personal data on to third parties. We will not pass on your personal data to unrelated third parties unless we are allowed or required to do so by law or we have your explicit permission to do that. We will not transfer or store your personal data outside Europe, or outside of the control of the UK/European regulations. 

Your rights, the right to complain and the ICO

You have the right to request a copy of the data we hold about you. Please contact if you wish to request access to any of your personal data and we will always endeavour to answer your questions. Please be specific about what personal data you want to see, what it relates to and within what timeframe, as that will assist us. You also have the right to correct information we hold. Please advise us of any changes or corrections by contacting  . You have the right to withdraw your consent to use any information that was previously provided with your consent. Please advise us if you wish to withdraw any consent previously given by contacting us  . You can check details of your rights by visiting the Information Commissioner's office (ICO) website. 

Changes to this privacy notice

This is a controlled document and is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer and is reviewed annually.