last updated 24th March 2025
WELCOME to the SALC information page designed as a reference point that allows town and parish councils and parish meetings in Suffolk remain connected with devolution / local government re-organisation.
On 5th February 2025 it was announced that Suffolk is on the new fast-track Devolution Priority Programme (DPP) resulting in the election of a Mayor (covering Suffolk and Norfolk) in May 2026.
The deadline has passed for the submission of "interim" plans in relation to Local Government Re-organisation and 13th April is the deadline for the Mayoral Combined County Authority proposals - see below
Business as usual
Is to continue across the public sector
2025 County Council elections have been postponed
The letter to Suffolk sets out expectations including proactive collaboration and wide engagement with local partners, stakeholders, and residents
A letter from Government (see below) to Suffolk contains more details on developing plans for re-organisation, supporting places through change, timelines and next steps for interim plans and full proposals. We encourage our members to familiarise themselves with this framework.
Devolution briefing
Hosted by SALC, MHCLG presented to our sector on 18th March. On school transport question, MHCLG have clarified this point to advise that school transport does not move to the new institution.
Link to a copy of the slides
We have been supplied with flyers for parishes and towns to use to help raise awareness. Use this link to access these materials.
Interim plans
Use this link to view Suffolk County Council's Resident's summary of plans submitted
Use this link to view to collaborative submission by Babergh District Council, East Suffolk District Council, Ipswich Borough Council, Mid Suffolk District Council and West Suffolk District Council
Government is consulting on proposals to create a Mayoral Combined County Authority
Letter to Suffolk
Read the letter from Government dated 6th February to Leaders of two-tier councils in Suffolk.
Suffolk CC
Access their dedicated page containing information and press releases.
Visit the LGA devolution and local government re-organisation hub which includes FAQs
White Paper
Access the Government White Paper - Power and Partnerships : Foundations for Growth
SALC - representative role
Working closely with the SALC Board, we have undertaken a stakeholder mapping exercise to help us identify who we need to engage with on your behalf to effectively influence decisions impacting the sector. We have categorised these stakeholders into groups to help us foster collaboration, gather insights and advocate the needs of local councils.
The resulting communication strategy has already commenced - we will inform to raise awareness and ensure information is cascaded, we will consult to ensure we have a wide range of perspectives and explore collaborative opportunities, we will use that insight to influence change and engage and inform decision-makers to help shape policies affecting local councils.