Code of Conduct and Standards

15 articles

a. Localism Act 2011

S.27 Localism Act 2011 requires councils to promote and maintain high standards of conduct, and in…

b. Replacing the 2012 Suffolk Code of Conduct

In 2012 all principal councils and, it is believed, all parish and town councils in the County adop…

c. LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct

Use this link to access a downloadable Word version of the LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct fro…

d. When does the Code apply?

EXTRACT from LGA Guidance to Code: When does the Code apply? S.27(2) of the Localism Act 2011 says…

e. General principles of councillor conduct

EXTRACT from LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct: Everyone in public office at all levels; all who…

f. Gifts and hospitality

EXTRACT from LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct: Gifts and hospitality As a councillor: 9.1 I do…

g. Registering interests

EXTRACT from LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct: 9. Interests As a councillor: 9.1 I register and…

h. Disclosing interests

EXTRACT from LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct: Non participation in case of disclosable pecunia…

i. Interests flowchart

Use this link to access the LGA interests flowchart

j. Interests quick guide

Use this link to access SALC quick guide to interests - LGA Cllr. Code of Conduct What do I do if I…

k. Dispensations

Councillors with an interest as defined in the LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct in a matter bei…

l. Bias and pre-determination

NALC have issued an advice note on their website - Predetermination . [ To access the NALC website…

m. Complaints about councillors

Complaints received about a councillor which allege a breach of the Code of Conduct MUST be forward…

n. Model councillor - officer protocol

A strong, constructive, and trusting relationship between councillors and officers is essential to…

o. Video of briefing by Hoey Ainscough Associates Ltd (June 2022)

This is a briefing webinar for councillors and clerks covering the LGA Councillor Code of Conduct p…