Clerk module one - roles and responsibilities

Module one - part of a series of six modules

Registrations are closed

£30 + VAT per delegate


This module introduces clerks to their role and their responsibilities within the council.

This SALC clerk core training pathway offers lots of flexibility for new and more experienced clerks.    The six modules in the series cover the following areas and it is recommended all six modules are booked at the same time:

  • module 1 - roles and responsibilities

  • module 2 - powers and duties, effective meetings

  • module 3 - finance, budget and audit

  • module 4 - code of conduct for councillors, co-option, policies and                        procedures 

  • module 5 - insurance, risk assessment, planning and consultations

  • module 6 - information management, dealing with the media and                            the annual calendar


Good pace and a very knowledgeable trainer

Date & Time
20 June 2023
10:30 12:00 Europe/London

Suffolk Association of Local Councils

01473 833713

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