Annual General Meeting 2024
held Monday 1st July 7 pm
by Zoom video conferencing

The SALC Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 1st July 2024 via Zoom starting at 7 pm.   In line with our Constitution member councils have the opportunity to nominate individuals for up to two places on the SALC Board.   In addition member councils can raise motions to be considered by the AGM.   Member councils are asked to complete the appropriate online form(s) below noting the respective deadlines.     Please use the links below to access the relevant documents and policies.

Click on this link to book your place

(Your clerk will need to book your place through the SALC Member Portal)

Guest Speaker - AGM

Carol Eagles, CEO of Citizens Advice West Suffolk

Carol first joined Citizens Advice West Suffolk in 2003 as a volunteer adviser when her youngest child started school. In 2006 she joined the paid staff as a Money Adviser and has held various roles over the years. From 2009 to 2020 she held the post of Chief Officer at Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk for four days a week whilst still working one day a week at Citizens Advice West Suffolk.

In November 2020 following the retirement of the Chief Officer she took up the full-time post of Chief Executive Officer at Citizens Advice West Suffolk.

In her spare time Carol is a Guide Leader and runs a unit for 10–14-year-old girls with her daughter in Bury St Edmunds.

SALC Annual Report 2024

Use this link to view the Annual Report

SALC AGM Agenda 2024

Use this link to view the agenda 

SALC AGM 2024 draft minutes

Use this link to access a copy

SALC audited accounts 2023-24

Use this link to view the audited accounts

SALC AGM 2023 approved minutes

Here is a link to access a copy

SALC Motions Policy

Use this link to view our policy

Constitution amendments

Members are also put on notice that the SALC Board are proposing some small changes to the Constitution which will be considered at the AGM and require approval of not less than two-thirds of the persons present and voting (provided not less than fifteen members vote).

Questions relating to these should be raised direct with the SALC CEO, Sally Longmate, by email :  SALC will also be consulting with members at our June area forums and by email.     

The SALC Board review the Constitution annually.  The proposed changes are as follows: 

  • quorum required for decisions to be changed to 40 or 8%, whichever is the lowest.  To provide an element of flexibility in relation to the required number of member councils required.  

  • SALC Board to meet at least twice a year - in practice they meet 4/5 times a year so the phrase "at least" has been added to reflect.

  • Renaming of area forums to reflect mergers - to reflect the changes in the structure of district councils in Suffolk and to provide for one Chair and up to three Vice Chairs as appropriate per area to ensure there is proportionate representation.

  • removal of reference to Executive Committee - this reflects that the Board meets more regularly and helps reduce duplication.

  • removal of legal advisor of SALC in relation to contractual matters - this did not reflect how decisions are made.

  • update of infographic - to reflect removal of Executive Committee

How can members comment on these changes?

From 15th April SALC will be consulting member councils by emailing them a link to this page to raise awareness.  In addition there will be an item to allow discussion at SALC area forums taking place in June.  Attendance at those forums should be booked through the member portal in the usual way.  There is no area forum scheduled for West Suffolk district for June so SALC will be holding a drop-in session to enable member councils in that district to ask questions.  

In addition council members can email the SALC CEO direct :  Sally Longmate, 

There will be an agenda item at the AGM on 1st July and members will be asked to vote on the changes.  

The consultation should help SALC identify any issues raised by our members and the Board will consider these.  If there are further changes we will cascade this information to members by email in advance of the AGM to ensure transparency.

Nomination form
for a place on the SALC Board - the deadline - 7th June - has now passed and it is no longer possible to make a nomination for the SALC Board through this process

In line with the SALC Constitution member councils have the opportunity to make nominations for up to two places on the SALC Board.  Completed nomination papers must be delivered to the SALC office (see below) by close of business (5pm) on Friday 7th June 2024.

Motion submission form
for SALC AGM - the deadline - 7th June - has now passed and it is no longer possible to make a nomination for the SALC Board through this process

In line with the SALC Constitution member councils have the opportunity to raise motions to be considered by the AGM and these must be received by the SALC office (see below) by no later than close of business (5 pm) on Friday 7th June 2024.