Document reference:  ALC3 v.2 (reviewed annually)
Ownership: SALC Board
Last revised: 11th September 2024
Date of next review: January 2025


Complaints Policy

SALC is committed to providing a high-quality support service to all our member councils but recognises that sometimes things can go wrong.  It is important that our member councils raise concerns with us or representatives of SALC as soon as possible so that this can be addressed and help us address any issues and make any necessary improvements.


The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear, consistent and professional approach to handling complaints. 


This policy covers complaints raised by member councils 


The SALC CEO owns this policy and will review and update it annually working closely with all members of the team and the SALC Board where necessary.  On a day-to-day basis all members of the team shall be responsible for following procedures and processes and highlighting any updates or amendments necessary to ensure continual improvement.  

The SALC CEO owns this Policy and will review and update it annually working closely with all members of the team and the SALC Board where necessary. On a day-to-day basis all members of the team shall be responsible for following procedures and processes and highlighting any updates or amendments necessary to ensure continual improvement. Definitions: QAP – quality assurance policy Member councils – a local council which subscribes to SALC for the current financial yea


Member councils is a local council which subscribes to SALC for the current financial year. 

Complaints procedure

If you have a formal complaint, the Chair of the member council (if appropriate) should write or email as follows:

Chief Executive Officer, Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Unit 1 & 2 Hill View Business Park, Claydon, Suffolk. IP6 0AJ or Email:

What happens next?

  1. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days of receipt and aim to resolve the matter within four weeks.

  2. If necessary we may ask you to provide evidence that a resolution has been made by the council to make a formal complaint.

  3. We will review the issues raised and, where necessary, speak to members of staff and/or sub-contractors involved.

  4. If possible, we will contact you to discuss matters further and write to you to confirm what was discussed and any solutions agreed.

  5. If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint the matter will be passed to the Chair of the SALC Board.

  6. The Chair of the SALC Board will write to you within 14 working days of receipt of your request confirming our final position on your complaint.

Changes to this complaints policy

This is a controlled document referenced ALC3 version 2 and is annually reviewed.  It was last updated on 11th September 2024. Owner: CEO