NPPF Consultation
Proposed reforms

We have recently sent information to our member councils on how to engage through NALC with the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  This is the best way NALC can gather views and insights from local councils and county associations enabling them to represent the sector but also as part of a wider piece of work to promote and support local councils in proposed planning reforms. 

There are a number of challenges for local councils with this , such as having the knowledge and time to respond to what is a complex survey by NALC and the fact that this has come during the summer means that councils are not meeting as regularly.  This makes the timetable to complete the NALC survey by early September extremely challenging.

We have a couple of suggestions:

In addition, SALC have been trying to identify ways we can provide some technical and practical assistance to help parishes understand the proposals and therefore engage better with the consultation process.   Below are some additional resources which we hope will assist:

Statement made by Angela Rayner, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government - Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament

Planning newsletter from Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to Chief Planners (August 2024) which lists a summary of the proposed changes and a link to a draft tracked-changed NPPF text.  In summary the proposals are focussing on:

  • mandatory targets and reversal of other changes made in previous government

  • new standard method formula

  • grey belt land

  • new "golden rules" for land released in the Green Belt

  • prioritise the types of affordable homes their communities need

  • support economic growth

  • deliver community needs

  • support clean energy and the environment.

In addition to these policy changes, the Government are also consulting on whether to reform the way NSIPS (nationally strategic infrastructure projects) applies to renewable energy, commercial and water development, as part of the first steps to their NSIP reform plans, local plan intervention policy and planning fees.

SALC are endeavouring to identify other ways to support councils in this opportunity to engage with these policy reviews.  We do encourage participation using the lived knowledge and experience you have as a result of your involvement as a consultee in both local planning processes and NSIPSs.

As a reminder we have a dedicated pages on both planning and NSIPs to help give background and context to this subject.  We also have available for councils, webinars (details here) recorded in June, again to provide some professional support and context to planning for local councils.  

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Consultation on government's proposed reforms