Speaker: Naomi Hayes, East Suffolk Energy Projects Manager
Click on this link to view and download the slide presentation
Attendance stats
Nomination for Vice Chair of area forum and position on SALC Board
Kim Puttock was nominated by Andrew Lewis, seconded by Helen Greengrass and carried unanimously.Sizewell C Oversight Partnership - Andrew Lewis explained how this board comprised a group of those with county-wide interests and provided an opportunity to raise issues at a senior level. He attended on behalf of SALC who had a place representing town and parish councils. The partnership meets every 6 months and at the November meeting a number of issues were raised including matters linked to cumulative impact (highway diversions and blue light services, availability of bus drivers) and quality and quantity of funding applications through Suffolk Community Foundation - use this link to view details and access the meeting notes. Any matters to be raised through our representative role can be sent to Andrew Lewis (a.lewis@walberswick-pc.gov.uk) direct or the SALC team at admin@suffolk-alc.gov.uk.
Community Partnership Boards update - Lesley Beevor and Sally Longmate share the SALC representative role on this Board. Councils were referred to the previous area forum where Nicole Rickard gave a useful overview of how these work and opportunities for parishes in relation to funding. Any queries or issues to raise in this forum to be sent to ceo@suffolk-alc.gov.uk
Information exchange - a broad discussion and awareness-raising of proposed White Paper on a change in local government structure in Suffolk (link to news item), a reminder of the deadline for the Sealink consultation which ends early January 2025, a number of parishes reporting disappointment on progress on actions on the ground following s.19 flooding reports.
SALC update - we have now completed our re-organisation with two new members of the team having now joined us increasing our resources for advice and development services to councils. Jim Friend will be retiring at the end of the year and we have a handover programme.
TLC e-magazine – circulated in October as a reminder. You can sign up to receive this direct from the front page of the SALC website and view current and previous editions.
NALC website - launched a few weeks ago. Access to certain materials requires individual logins as an officer or a councillor.
NI employer contribution increase – use this link to view our news item on this and call for information from parishes on financial impact.
Good health at work –use this link to view our news blog on this initiative available for parishes a new initiative aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of the working-age population across Suffolk. Lots of online resources and SALC will be digging deeper into this going forward.
Consultation by government –changes to the standards regime and virtual meetings. Use this link to view the item and engage. We are encouraging all councils to participate.