Notes of meeting 13th June 2024
Information - documents - recording of session

We welcomed Cassandra Clements, the Managing Director from East Suffolk Services (see recording below).  Unfortunately Claire Ward was unable to attend due to illness to  provide information on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) (see recording below of the talk presented at the Babergh area forum).

Links related to LNRS are:

Website: Norfolk and Suffolk Nature Recovery Partnership (

Get involved: Get Involved with the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (

Suffolk Specific Surveys (open until 14th July): Suffolk Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) Public Survey (

Suffolk LNRS Land Management Survey (


Speaker: Cass Clements, East Suffolk Services

Operation Mangers:

Richard Hackney - grounds

Stuart Mortimer - waste & street cleaning

Louis Clarke - playgrounds

Sarah Gilson - parking enforcement

Click on this link to visit East Suffolk Services website


Speaker: LNRS


  • Discussion topic - accessing the member portal
    SALC provided a brief update on the option available now for councillors to access the member portal demonstrating where information and guidance was on the SALC website alongside the benefits of this.  
    SALC Portal Roles - information for members | SALC Website

  • SALC Constitution review
    SALC gave an overview of the the proposed changes proposed to the SALC Constitution which will be formally considered at the AGM taking place on 1st July.    Those present were given the opportunity to ask any questions and also to note how to find out full details including reasoning for the change - SALC Annual General Meeting 2024 | SALC Website.

  • SALC update
    Planning webinars are taking place throughout June and also available to buy as a catch-up recording for the same price per council of £35.  TRAINER - planning webinars | SALC Website

  • The Suffolk Community Awards are now open - with new categories for SALC so if you feel your council has the clerk of the year, councillor of the year, young councillor of the year or is the council of the year - time to enter.  Home - Suffolk Community Awards

  • We are launching a suite of digital training webinars covering not only the basics of Office 365 but also some deep dive sessions following our pilot last year. 

  • Working with the Parish Council Domain Helper Service, we are pleased that a number of Suffolk councils are attending briefing sessions to find out more about moving to a domain and email addresses.  INFORMATION PAGE - domains | SALC Website

  • Following the announcement of the general election we have provided councils with some general information in recent newsletters about publicity during the campaign. General election and pre-election period | SALC Website

  • As we are in the middle of the audit season councils are reminded to ensure that recommendations coming out of internal audit reports are considered as well as highlighting areas of good practice. INFORMATION PAGE - preparing for audit 2024 | SALC Website

  • May saw the publication of new model Financial Regulations.  These are a complete re-write and we have given parishes a broad outline of some of the major changes which will update practices in a number of areas including internet banking, procurement and delegation. Model Financial Regulations | SALC Website

  • The SALC website now has a number of open information pages covering planning, preparing for audit and more recently managing payroll.  The SALC payroll service is now used by almost 200 councils across Suffolk and following a re-structure the team now has the benefit of a professional payroll officer which is resulting in us being able to provide not only an enhanced service for a wealth of information for those parishes who manage PAYE themselves. guidance on payroll | SALC Website

Notes of meeting 20th March 2024
Information - documents - recording of session