Notes of meeting 8th June
Information - documents - recording of session

We welcomed Michelle Gordon from Babergh/Mid Suffolk District Council who presented to attendees details of a new cultural strategy for both districts.  There was a rich and wide ranging discussion around community events, local economies and volunteering.  A copy of the slides is available using the link below.    Any councils wishing to find out ore about the strategy can contact :

  • Information exchange
    Helen Davies, Cllr at Sproughton Parish Council has been elected as a Babergh District Councillor.   
    Examples of impact of planning and lack of infrastructure - increased traffic.
    Traffic was also high on other parishes agendas including lorry movements and damage to hedgerows.   Some parishes are looking at 20 mph speed limits to help manage traffic and a mixture of views within communities on merits of such an initiative.
    Some parishes were taking local action on wilding and planting of hedgerows.
    Finally there was a broad discussion on clerk recruitment and salary scales and relevant for those endeavouring to attract the right candidates.  

  • SALC update
    Councillors encouraged to keep up to date via the weekly SALC bulletins sent through to clerks.  Recent headlines to note:

    1. the new Councillor Development Pathway published recently - use this link to view
    2. the SALC AGM being held on 19th July - use this link to view details
    3. SALC conference planned for November 2023 more to come!
    4. SALC had met with Minister Bowie and had raised numerous issues including professional support, funding and requested an extension for the community benefits consultation, which has now been granted.  Link to details  which includes a response by NALC mentioning Suffolk.
    5. Suffolk Community Awards 2023 launch - link to information.

Notes of meeting 24th September 2024
Information - documents - recording of session